Broken Tail with a severe limp
This fox project is not what I thought it would be. I expected that I would be posting interesting fox bahaviour images but instead I've become drawn into the lives of Sam Fox, Broken Tail and White Tip.
This morning the very thing I hoped I wouldn't see, happened; Broken Tail limping onto the field unable to put her front right paw on the ground. Close examination of photographs does not show any obvious wounds, misshapen bones or swelling, but it's clear that she's in a lot of discomfort. Hopefully this is not too serious and the remarkable recovery powers of wild animals kicks in. Yes this is nature but it's hard not to be moved by the challenges these wonderful animals face.
Needless to say I'll be extra vigilent over the next few days for signs of improvement or worsening of the condition.
UPDATE: Broken Tail was seen again the following day, again with a severe limp but she was at least attempting to put weight on it. Small positive signs.
For the second day running, Broken Tail enjoyed a plate of honey.

A little honey is always welcome